Most properties can change over time by fitting one of the following equations:


The value changes linearly with time.


The value changes quadratically with time.


The value oscillates sinusoidally with time.

rectangle wave

The value follows a cycle where it is equal to value1 during duration1 and equal to value2 during duration2.

triangle wave

The value follows a cycle where it changes linearly from value1 to value2 during duration1 and changes from value2 to value1 during duration2.


The value changes linearly from zero to maximum during rampDuration. It is equal to the maximum for centralDuration.
It changes linearly from maximum to zero during rampDuration.


The value follows a gaussian function.

gaussian energy

The value follows a gaussian function normalised to have always the same energy (area under the curve) regardless of the standard deviation.


Random values chosen in the interval from value1 to value2.
The duration is the same for each of them.